Politics (Sweden) – Family Politics/Children politics

Soon it's time for our political election here in Sweden, on the 9th of September to be exact. Many of us, including myself, know too little about the different political parties in Sweden to make a fair and honest vote. Because of this I felt the need to look deeper into the different parties in Sweden. To reduce the risk of spitting out too much information at once, I will break it down into different topics, I have chosen to start with "Family Politics/Children politics".

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

I have chosen to look at each party's website where the party's vision and policies are laid out. In my opinion, these websites are the first place a voter should go to find the information they need to make an informed decision on September 9. 

Social Democratic (Socialdemokraterna):
  • Want to make FN's convention on the Rights of the Child into a Swedish law – want to read about the convention? Here in Swedish and here in English
  • Want to increase child support. 
  • Believes all children should have the same rights and possibilities regardless of gender, ethnic background, social class, possible disabilities or where they live. 
  • They want the parental benefits to be modernised so it work for all family constellations. 
  • Believe in an equal parental benefits so the child will have the same amount of time with both parents. 

Left Party (Vänsterpartiet):
  • Want to make FN's convention on the Rights of the Child into a Swedish law. 
  • Want all children to have equal rights and possibilities regardless of the economic situation their parents might have. 
  • Believes that the law should be equal for every parenthood regardless of the sexual orientation. 
  • Believes in an equal parental benefits so the child will have the same amount of time with both parents. 
  • Don't think that disabilities should limit the possibility to have a normal life in Sweden and therefore should get the support he/she might need. 

Green Party (Miljöpartiet):
  • Want to invest more in a fundamental education for all children by increasing teachers salaries. 
  • Want the law to be formed in a way so it supports all types of families, regardless of whether the child is raised by one parent, two parents or more. 
  • Want to adjust the family politics so it becomes more gender neutral. 
  • Believes that all children should have the same rights, possibilities and securities regardless of the family constellation. 

Centre Party (Centerpartiet):
  • Believes that regardless of the family constellation, each child should have a secure life and time with their parents. 
  • Everyone should be able to juggle family and work life. 
  • The law and rules for adoption should be modernised to suit today's family constellations. 
  • Want to introduce a new law that gives higher punishment when a child is being abused. 
  • Believes that the parents themselves can decide how they want to split the parent days. 
  • Believes that all children have the right to know their origin. 
  • More methods on assisted fertilisation should be allowed in Sweden. 
  • Want to protect the opportunities for people with different types of sexual orientation to start a family. 

Liberals (Liberalerna, tidigare Folkpartiet):
  • Want to make FN's convention on the Rights of the Child into a Swedish law. 
  • Want to modernise the parental benefits. 
  • Want all children to have equal rights and possibilities regardless of the economic situation their parents might have. 
  • Increase the opportunities for 'family homes' (social services/places for children who have been relocated due to bad conditions in their first homes) to get custody or adopt. 
  • Want the homosexual family constellation to be accepted in the different laws by the EU. 
  • Believe that all women have the right to make a decision about their own bodies and therefore believe that they should have the right to go through an abortion in any country within Europe. 

The Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna):
  • Want to make FN's convention on the Rights of the Child into a Swedish law. 
  • Believes that all children have the right to know their origin. 
  • If a child loses both parents, this party believes that married couples, single parents and homosexual couples should be considered/tried as potential adoptive parents. 
  • Make it possible to have more days as a family. 
  • Believes that every human is unique and no one should be discriminated regardless of gender, ethnic background, social class, sexual orientation, possible disabilities or where they live. 

Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna):
  • Make it possible to have more days as a family. 
  • Want to increase parental benefits. 
  • Want to increase the benefits for families with children. 
  • Believes that a child who has lost both parents has the right to both a man and a woman as a replacement for the parents he/she has lost. For this reason, this party do not support adoption by homosexual couples, single parents or polygamous families. 
  • Also believes these "minority groups" should not be allowed to inseminate either. 

Moderate Party (Moderaterna):
  • Don't think that disabilities should limit the possibility to have a normal life in Sweden and therefore should get the support he/she might need. 
  • Believes that families where children have been born via a surrogate and live in Sweden today should have the same natural securities as all other types of families. 
  • Believes that Sweden should introduce the possibility to surrogacy under regulated forms. 
  • Want a completely gender-neutral family law. 

My conclusion after reading all of this is that most of the Swedish parties agree with each other but not every party has the family politics/children politics as their main/primary concern or policy.

So there it is, my summary of what the different Swedish parties are thinking when it comes to the family politics. Anyone can go in to their websites and read more about it themselves if my summaries of the different websites are not to someone's liking. 
